A Sweet Tomato Salsa With Deep Chile Bubble

A humble Taco with cocks for feet. Resident expert in trends of gay culture.

Chile Bubble: New Gay Trend Bubbling to the Surface

Hola mis homos.

On this buen dia, I bring to you the latest in hot Gay culture trends. It is called the “Sweet Tomato Salsa with Deep Chile Bubble.”

Yo tried the experience myself.

Es muy bien. Me gusta.


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Top 5 Suicide Cliffs

It can be hard to find just the right place to kill yourself. The location must have a combination of factors rendering it the perfect place to end your miserable life. I’m going to share a few of my best ideas.

Wednesday Night Live With @HarperTheFox

An episode of Wednesday Night Live, hosted by the brilliant and beautiful @HarperTheFox. She definitely didn’t write this post excerpt, despite the fact that she is a brilliant writer and unicorn of a human being.


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