Hello from Abby Oddly!
A warm and wonderful “Hello” to the world of the internet! I am Abby Oddly, FigWiggy.com‘s newest author.
I am absolutely delighted to come on board, and as a cartoon girl tackle the wide topic of human sexuality. Humans have a lot of crazy quirks that us toons are unfamiliar with, and I intend to harness my fascination with homo sapien sex and use my own learnings to inform and educate.
If I look familiar to you, there are three reasons that could be true.
One, and the most obvious… that you’ve seen me in your dreams 😉
Second, you may know my sister– Annie Oddly. She is a beautiful singer who writes articles on the music biz for FigWiggy.com. You can read her many delightful writings right here, and be sure to share them around– she’s not just family, she is a truly talented toon.
Third, you may have seen me on the dirty, adults-only live chatting website, Chaturbate. I have an account there which I use for both research and pleasure. In my opinion, there is no better way to educate myself than diving right into the heart of human sexuality, and interacting live with all the online perverts that I can! I am a spirited and adventurous girl.
If you have a suggestion for a topic that you’d like me to cover, don’t hesitate to write! You can reach me by writing to contact@figwiggy.com with your ideas.
I can’t wait to share my education with the world. Until I write again,
The Bear and His Balls
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Top 5 Suicide Cliffs
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The Bigotry of Attraction: Dicks are Clits, Too
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Teach a Fat Child Discipline Using Guilt and Shame
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Next Beauty Trend: Look Like You Have Ebola!
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Tortilla Blanket with a Meaty Surprise
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Cultivating a Charming and Professional Online Presence
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A Truly Gigantic Fetish
Human sexuality writer Abby Oddly takes on a gigantic fetish — the desire to be taken prisoner by a giant woman. What drives this urge? Abby investigates!