Meet Opera Pussy

Opera Pussy


Opera Pussy is the classiest cunt to ever sing a tune. She is a perfect woman and her haters are jealous.


The Fastest Quick-Fix for Supreme Beauty

We all know that you can increase your beauty by styling your hair, freshening your wardrobe, and using makeup. But there’s one quick-tip that few people ever address– I’m going to let you in on the greatest secret of the beauty industry!

How to Spend More to Look Worse

Spend more to look worse! Everybody knows that the greatest way to flaunt your status is by wearing it on your body. Well, all the hottest and most expensive designers have just released their ready-to wear fashion lines– get ready to open up that wallet and max out that credit card!!

Top 5 Ugly Bitch Makeup Tips

You’re a woman of class and style. You’ve got your work life in order, your home life in order, but there’s just one problem– someone finds you too. damn. attractive.
Never fear– our esteemed author Opera Pussy is here to help you out with her brilliant makeup tips!


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